LITELOK X3 Saves Cargo Bike on Christmas Eve in London #49
There’s no greater gift than peace of mind, especially during the holiday season. For Joe, a London resident, that peace of mind came in the form of the LITELOK X3, which thwarted an attempted thef...
LITELOK X3 Saves Cargo Bike in Aarhus #46
LITELOK X3 saved Salvador's Seaside Signature cargo bike on the 11th of November in Aarhus, Denmark. Cargo bikes have become essential in cities worldwide, particularly for eco-conscious families ...
LITELOK X3 Saves Bike in Massachusetts #44
LITELOK X3 saved Ryan's $1,474 Lectric XP bike at Harvard University's Campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts. For bike owners, securing your ride can often feel like a stressful endeavour, especially...
LITELOK X3 Saves Bike in Mansfield #43
Freddie recently reached out to us to share his experience with an attempted theft of his bike. This Success Story emphasizes the importance of investing in quality bike locks, like the LITELOK X3,...
LITELOK X3 Saves Electric Trike in Edinburgh #38
Yvonne's experience with the LITELOK X3 lock showcases its effectiveness in preventing bike theft. After investing in a £3,000 electric trike and the Supreme Urban Bundle for added security, she fa...
LITELOK X3 Saves BMW Scooter In Beckenham #28
Ian experienced an attempted theft of his BMW electric scooter in Beckenham, in the first week of June. The LITELOK X3 saved the scooter from bike thieves! "Truly an incredible piece of engineeri...